Friday, 3 January 2014

Tracing emails - Protect yourself from fake mailers!!

How to find from where did a mail come? Is it really by the sender mentioned on the mail client or is it a fake mail?
I will be mentioning how to trace these mails to the IP Address of the original sender.

Gmail Users
1. Open the mail you want to trace.
2. Click on "view original"
3. Here, search for the phrase "received: from". You will find many of them in the code. Actually, it is the list of all the IP addresses of the servers from which your mail travelled to finally reach you.
4. Now search for the last "received: from" from the code. This is the one showing the name and the IP Address of the computer from where the mail originated.

Now as you have the IP Address, you can locate the computer with the help of Geobytes IP Locator or any other online IP locating sevice