Thursday, 28 February 2013

Password Cracking: L0phtcrack

Disclaimer: This Article is for educational purposes only. Don't misuse it and the author does not take the responsibility of the damage caused by you.

It is a paid windows password auditing and recovery application and is also known as LC5. It attempts to crack Windows Passwords from hashes it can obtain. It can sometimes sniff them from off the wire and can generate passwords through dictionary attacks and brute force.

The application was produced by @stake after the L0pht merged with @stake in 2000. @stake was then acquired by Symantec in 2004. Symantec later stopped selling this tool to new customers, citing US Government export regulations, and discontinued support in December 2006.
In January 2009 L0phtCrack was acquired by the original authors Zatko, Wysopal, and Rioux from Symantec. L0phtCrack 6 was announced on 11 March 2009 at the SOURCE Boston Conference. L0phtCrack 6 contains support for 64-bit Windows platforms as well as upgraded rainbow tables support.
