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Thursday, 28 February 2013

Virus Removal: recycler.exe

It is a virus which spreads from the pendrives as soon as they are attached to the PCs. It is a very frustrating virus as it is a little tough for the antiviruses to remove it as it copies itself almost everywhere to your PC. It mainly opens a door for the download of malicious and unwanted files to your computer.

To remove it follow the following steps:
1. Download flash disinfector or autorun eater and save it on your deskop.
2. Run the app, it will ask you to insert a pendrive. After inserting it click OK.
3. It will delete autorun.inf and then you can delete recycler.exe from the drive.
Download: Autorun eater:
                   Falsh Disinfector: Disinfector.rar.html

Virus Removal: autorun.inf

autorun.inf is the file which automatically execute programs when you open/connect a pendrive to your PC. Majority of hackers use this to spread their virus as it activates the file as soon as the drive is connected. Therefore if this file is not needed then it should be removed from the pendrive.

For novice users I recommend autorun eater as it detects the autorun files and scans them and if they are affected, it can tell you the file associated with it. It is helpful as most users don't know which file to delete after deleting the autorun file.

Read more at the developer's website:

Password Cracking: L0phtcrack

Disclaimer: This Article is for educational purposes only. Don't misuse it and the author does not take the responsibility of the damage caused by you.

It is a paid windows password auditing and recovery application and is also known as LC5. It attempts to crack Windows Passwords from hashes it can obtain. It can sometimes sniff them from off the wire and can generate passwords through dictionary attacks and brute force.

The application was produced by @stake after the L0pht merged with @stake in 2000. @stake was then acquired by Symantec in 2004. Symantec later stopped selling this tool to new customers, citing US Government export regulations, and discontinued support in December 2006.
In January 2009 L0phtCrack was acquired by the original authors Zatko, Wysopal, and Rioux from Symantec. L0phtCrack 6 was announced on 11 March 2009 at the SOURCE Boston Conference. L0phtCrack 6 contains support for 64-bit Windows platforms as well as upgraded rainbow tables support.


Password Cracking: THC Hydra

Disclaimer: This Article is for educational purposes only. Don't misuse it and the author does not take the responsibility of the damage caused by you.

One of the best password hacking software and a fast network authentication cracker with many services.
It can perform brute force attacks and dictionary attacks against more than 35 protocols.

Number one of the biggest security holes are passwords, as every password security study shows.
Hydra is a parallized login cracker which supports numerous protocols to attack. New modules
are easy to add, beside that, it is flexible and very fast.


Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Password Cracking - Cain and Abel

Disclaimer: This Article is for educational purposes only. Don't misuse it and the author does not take the responsibility of the damage caused by you.

It is the No.1 password recovery tool for windows. It has Variety of tasks
1. Can recover passwords by sniffing the network
2. Crack encrypted passwords with the help of using a dictionary
3. Brute Force Attacks
4. Cryptanlysis Attacks
5. Recording VoIP Conversations
6. Decoding Scrambled Passwords
7. Revealed Password Boxes
8. Uncovering Cached Passwords
9. Analyzing routing protocols.

Some virus scanners detect Cain and Abel as malware.
Avast! detects it as "Win32:Cain-B [Tool]" and classifies it as "Other potentially dangerous program", while Microsoft Security Essentials detects it as "Win32/Cain!4_9_14" and classifies it as "Tool: This program has potentially unwanted behavior." Even if Cain's install directory, as well as the word "Cain", are added to Avast's exclude list, the real-time scanner has been known to stop Cain from functioning. However, the latest version of Avast no longer blocks Cain.
Montoro, the owner of and maintainer of Cain and Abel, has stated that his programs do not contain malware or backdoors. However, as the source code for Cain and Abel is not available for independent security review, a measure of caution is advised as with any software acquired from the Internet.


Basics Of Password Cracking

Disclaimer: This Article is for educational purposes only. Don't misuse it and the author does not take the responsibility of the damage caused by you.

To become a good hacker you must be good at password hacking. There are a plenty of programs out there that a hacker can use to decrypt passwords. The most common type of attacks include the following:

Dictionary Attack: It works for easy passwords, that the user can easily remember and cannot forget. These attacks use the words stored in their database(Dictionary). It includes variations of the word and different word combinations. It goes on till it can crack the password.

Brute force Attack: It attempts every password possible until it comes upon the right one. They take a long time to execute if the passwords are long and contain a lot of different combinations. If you take a password cracking calculator to find the time taken to decrypt a password by this method, it could range from 2 minutes to several months.

In my further posts I will explain the basic tools used for password cracking.